A Pharmacy and Medication Error Attorney Can Fight for Your Rights
Patients who take prescription medication place their trust in doctors and pharmacies. These medications are meant to treat illnesses, providing necessary relief and healing. However, errors made by medical professionals and pharmacies can lead to medication errors, which may cause further complications for victims. Compensation for a medication error can help victims and their families cover treatment costs, ongoing rehabilitation, and more.

Let Moody Law help hold liable parties responsible. If you have suffered from a prescription mistake, an experienced pharmacy and medication error attorney, at our Lakeland, FL, office can fight for you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We can review your case and begin advocating for your rights immediately.
What Are Pharmacy and Medication Errors?
A prescription error can occur when a patient receives the wrong medication or the wrong dosage of the correct medication. A doctor can make an error by prescribing the wrong medication, prescribing the wrong dose of a medication, failing to take a history of the patient’s current medications, failing to identify drug interactions, and failing to identify drug allergies. Prescription errors can also take place when the prescription is sent to the pharmacy, or at the pharmacy when the prescription is being filled.
Pharmacies are busy places, and the staff often has to work at a rapid pace. There are numerous ways in which a pharmacy can make medication errors, including:
- Giving someone another person’s prescription
- Placing the wrong medication in a correctly labeled bottle
- Failing to check with doctor regarding unclear prescriptions
- Failing to provide proper usage instructions
- Labeling a prescription with incorrect instructions
- Giving the correct medication but in the wrong dose
Results of Pharmacy and Medication Errors
Medication errors can be extremely serious. These mistakes can deprive a person of needed treatment, and can cause adverse reactions from the wrong drug, including overdose, poisoning, toxicity, and even wrongful death. Victims of pharmacy and medication errors can experience a variety of symptoms and conditions such as severe nausea and vomiting, allergic reactions, liver problems, kidney problems, paralysis, and stroke.
Moody Law will work tirelessly to win you damages to cover current and future medical bills, lost income, and cover mental and physical pain and suffering.
You can also be injured by not receiving vital medication for a particular medical condition. Sometimes, the resulting health concerns will require hospitalization so that the you can undergo necessary treatment to counteract the medication error. In certain cases, you may need ongoing medical monitoring to ensure that issues do not worsen. Some victims may even require physical therapy or long-term care, depending on the severity of injuries.
Moody Law Can Help You Seek Restitution
The attorneys at Moody Law have successfully litigated thousands of personal injury and malpractice lawsuits. Our expertise and proven track record can help you rest assured that we will aggressively fight for your rights, allowing you to focus on healing and recovery. If we accept your case, our team will work tirelessly to win you damages to cover current and future medical bills, lost income, and cover mental and physical pain and suffering. In addition, we can compassionately handle wrongful death cases to help gain restitution for loss of companionship and emotional suffering. The attorneys in our office work with medical experts and witnesses to build the strongest case possible. We will do everything we can to ensure you are able to recover after a traumatic medical experience.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you or a loved one has suffered injury from a pharmacy or medication error, reach out to our office today to schedule a free consultation. We can provide expert legal representation and understanding support for you during this difficult time.